5 Reasons why you wait for a perfect moment

Muskan syal
3 min readMay 6, 2022


Have you noticed how quickly you put aside a dress to wear at a special event?

How many times have you postponed a task because you felt it was not the right time?

Well, you are not alone in this. We all do the same again & again. We are aware that life is all about living in a moment but still, we wait for that perfect moment to take action.

However, have you asked yourself why this happen? Why every time do you take too long to take action? Why do you put things for special events?

Here are the 5 reasons why you wait for a perfect moment:

Before you read further, I want you to know waiting is not a bad sign. You should be aware of whether you are waiting for the right things or just making excuses to escape reality.

Fear of Failure

Before trying anything new we surround ourselves with a lot of “what if’s”. We all feel what if I will not be able to do this, what if I make a mistake, and so on.

The fear of failure is normal & it will never end. Every time we try to do something new, the fear will always come up because we are afraid to take a risk or feel unconfident in exploring new things.

So, as an individual, we need to look at both the end i.e. “Positive & Negative what if’s”. Taking a calculated risk can help in overcoming this fear. Look at failures as an opportunity to learn.

An attitude of being perfect

With age, we develop the attitude of doing everything perfectly. Maybe because we believe only the perfect thing makes sense or making a mistake is a wrong thing. Well, ask yourself when you started walking, were you able to walk perfectly on your feet in one go?

Of course, your answer will be no because no one is born perfect. There is nothing like being perfect in everything. Till you will not explore how you will be able to improve? And if there is no scope for improvements, how do you become perfect in particular?

By setting an expectation of being perfect at the beginning, you are only limiting your scope of learning & evolving. So, stop focusing on being perfect.

Lack of Self-Belief

No matter how expert you are in one thing, if you don’t believe in yourself & your capabilities, you will never be able to grow in your life. The key to achieving anything in life starts with believing in oneself.

Becoming self-aware will help you in believing in yourself. Remember, nothing in this world can help you become confident if you aren’t self-aware.

Fear of being judged

You may disagree with this, but the fact is as an individual we all judge someone, somewhere, for something they did. Judging attitude is inbuild, we can make sure not to hurt someone’s self-beliefs with our judgments.

In the same way, people around you will judge you for so many things & that may make you feel a bit insecure about yourself. However, if you believe in yourself no matter what others say, you have all the power within to take action.

Judgments will never vanish, you have to create a wall and go ahead without paying much attention to those judgments.

An attitude of knowing everything

The attitude & belief that one should acquire all information before starting something. Well, knowing is a good thing but spending too much time only on acquiring knowledge & not taking action on time will lead lack of self-confidence. You may end up developing the habit of procrastinating things.

Personally, this is the reason why I wait for a perfect moment most of the time.

Remember, there is endless learning about a particular thing. You will never learn if you don’t apply what you have learned. So, keep learning on the way and take action now.

Final Thoughts:

Have you noticed how these points are interlinked? If you are confident about yourself and start taking small actions, with time, you will learn to explore instead of just focusing on being perfect. Remember, time is precious so, use it wisely.

Also, different individuals can have different reasons for waiting & delaying actions. Observe yourself & understand what makes you delay your action.



Muskan syal

Freelance writer• I write about life lessons, self-improvement, finance, & happiness