7 ways to improve productivity when working from home

Muskan syal
6 min readJun 24, 2022


Productivity is demanded by everyone, everywhere. So, to be productive & keep on improving productivity for better results is not an option instead, it is a necessity.

You are well aware working from home is not only about working. It is about juggling between being productive with office work & family time.

Sometimes in the desire to meet end goals, you give the family time to your work & vice versa, which affects your relations and also impacts your mental health.

Not only this, you might have noticed you were working for the long hours but still, you were not able to complete the task. It is because you are mistaken for being busy as being productive.

So, to make things easier for you & to help you to improve your productivity without compromising on your family time in completing office work, this article contains easy yet most powerful ways for you.

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Clean your workplace

Isn’t this something your mom has been teaching you since childhood?

Well, without a doubt, a clean workplace has more benefits. Also, there is a saying even the pets clean their place before sitting anywhere, so you are the human how you can sit in a space that is neither clean nor encouraging you to work with focus.

Set aside 10–15 minutes daily to clean your space before jumping on working, or if you feel cleaning in the morning is difficult for you, better do it in the evening after finishing your daily tasks, clean the desk, and put the things in place for the next day.

You can put indoor plants near your workplace for calming vibes.

Manage your time

Time is precious stop wasting it on unimportant things. While working from the office, you are bound to do tasks at a specific time.

But when working from home, you have no direct pressure, so there are high chances that you end up procrastinating, so it is better to have a specific time for particular things or create a schedule that will help you keep track of your time.

Here is how you can manage your time:

  • Make a list of all the things you have to do;
  • Select those things which are urgent & no one else can do other than you;
  • Once you have a list of main things, now choose the top 3 which are most important (apply the 80:20 rule);
  • 80:20 Do those tasks first that will have an 80% impact on overall work.

Most of the time, we focus on tasks that consume more time but are less impactful & in all this, we lose our energy. So, pick wisely.

Follow the 2 minutes rule: if a task takes only two minutes, then do it at that moment. If it will take more time, schedule it according to your priority.

Move your body

Moving your body not only has an impact on your health but also enhances your productivity. It doesn’t mean you have to do high-intensive exercise or go to the gym.

Set a daily routine: 20–30 minutes in your whole day for physical activity. It can be walking, jogging, & so on. You can set aside time in the morning before starting the work/between the work, or after the working hours, whatever suits your schedule.

Take Breaks

It is better to take a break from work for something other than work to make yourself feel energetic & productive. It can be like taking five minutes to break in between your work.

You can apply the Pomodoro technique: work for one or two hours & take a break for 15–20 minutes. Keep on repeating this technique. This way, you will complete the task without feeling lethargic.

During the break: you can read, walk, meditate, self-care routine, or have quality time with your family.

The purpose of the break is to relax your mind because mental health is also crucial. Also, remember when you enjoy your free time, don’t think about the work.

You will not get bored sitting in one place, and at the same time, you feel relaxed and will continue working with more energy.

Stay connected

Stay connected with friends

Working from home can make you feel isolated as no one is around to discuss things & communicate. So, it’s essential to connect with your colleagues & friends either via a call, a video call, or a message. No matter how much you enjoy working alone, that human touch increases your productivity.

It’s not that you have to connect only for work purposes. You can connect with friends to have a heartfelt conversation. This way you will feel happy.

Stay hydrated

You might have noticed that when you start dehydrating & you tend to lose focus on a particular thing. At the same time, laziness starts taking a toll on your productivity.

Even studies state that dehydration reduces productivity by approximately 12%. So, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated from time to time.

For this, you can keep a water bottle near your working spot or make your way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for yourself & treat this as a short water break.

Dress Properly

The dressing has more impact on your brain cells than anything else.

Will you go to a party wearing your night dress?

Will you go to a wedding wearing pajamas?

Will you work out in your formals?

For sure, your answer will be no. In the same way, while working from home, you should wear appropriate yet comfortable clothes which don’t make you feel lazy.

Avoid wearing loose pajamas or the clothes you wear at night or while working out, as this sends mixed signals to your brain cell. You know for every occasion there is a specific kind of clothes to boost your energy, mood, & productivity.

Bonus Tip:

Practice Deep work:

The habit of multitasking feels good. Right? But in reality, it consumes your valuable time & you end up with incomplete tasks. So, to achieve more in less time, start practicing deep work in your life.

It means picking up one crucial task and doing it for a particular time, say 1 or 2 hours, without any distractions. Keep aside your phone and stop checking emails or social media.

It will help you to be more focused, and you will be able to achieve your desired goals on time.

Final thoughts

These productivity ways will work when you use them with discipline. Remember creating a system in everything is the key to getting the best out of that task.

No hard & fast rule says you only have to follow these ways. You can pick from the above list & combine it with the old patterns that worked great for you earlier. However, the bonus tip will work wonders for you in every possible way.

Once the work is complete, switch off your system, shift your focus from work to family, & enjoy time with them. It will improve your mental well-being, which later will increase your productivity.



Muskan syal

Freelance writer• I write about life lessons, self-improvement, finance, & happiness